Uncommon places and other things
“Abitante”: a person that occupies a particular place regularly, routinely, or for a period of time.
/a-bi-tan-te/ is an ongoing project centered on investigating the sense of bewilderment and the search for a new self.
my work I strive to reveal and understand the mystery of world that surrounds me. As I am constantly faced with mystery I want to investigate, questions that need solving and my own memories I need to deconstruct.
These images manipulate a landscape that is simultaneously autobiographical, documentary, and fictional.
“Abitante”: a person that occupies a particular place regularly, routinely, or for a period of time.
/a-bi-tan-te/ is an ongoing project centered on investigating the sense of bewilderment and the search for a new self.
my work I strive to reveal and understand the mystery of world that surrounds me. As I am constantly faced with mystery I want to investigate, questions that need solving and my own memories I need to deconstruct.
These images manipulate a landscape that is simultaneously autobiographical, documentary, and fictional.
The project is a dreamlike and surreal journey, describing my homeland.
The light I created is a stratagem.
To convey the idea of the project, I explored in search of surreal environments, taking inspiration from classical and post apocalyptic literature, in order to reflect my restlessness.