                                                       2020-ongoing                                                 visual photography

Basic study on Tyrrhenia                                    2019-ongoing                                                   visual photography

White White Beaches                                        2014-2017                                           documentary photography

It’s beautiful here, isn’t it?                                 2016                                                        documentary photography

Basic study on Tyrrhenia

Basic study on Tyrrhenia is a visual exploration series on the Tyrrhenian Sea coasts.

The project, still in progress, refers in its title to an instinctive and primordial search, like an exercise book for children.
The research focuses on personal curiosity and the constant desire to observe and understand the world around us.

The photographs concern a personal visual investigation of the Italian coasts of the Tyrrhenian Sea. For those born in these regions, the Tyrrhenian coast is an inexhaustible source of stories, legends and mysteries. But also a piece of life where childhood and adolescence were spent.
I think of these images as a draft of a future work where memory and imagination come together to create a new, entirely personal world.